Study and Application of Contour Control Blasting Technology for Large Section Tunnel
Received date: 2018-05-22
Revised date: 2018-09-20
Online published: 2019-07-09
With the general trend of tunnel construction in China towards large and super-large sections,the application of full-face blasting excavation method in tunnel excavation generally has the problems of poor contour forming effect,low trace rate of blasting holes and large under or over excavation.The technology of full section blasting with pre-arranged layer and the technology of detonating peripheral hole with triangular lap of detonating cord can effectively solve the above problems and achieve good contour forming effect.The two kinds of blasting modes are introduced and compared,and the corresponding engineering application conditions are given in this paper.The advantages of the full section blasting technology with pre-arranged layer are analyzed,and the calculation formula for the parameters of the pre-arranged layer is given.The detonating mechanism of triangular lap of detonating cord is analyzed.The theoretical calculation of the blasting time is calculated,and as a result,the detonation signal can be transmitted to the whole blasting network in 5 ms,and the maximum detonating time difference between adjacent blast hole is less than 1ms.Based on the Dong Tianshan tunnel project,the field tests of two kinds of blasting modes have been carried out.The results show that both modes can effectively control the contour of the excavation section,improve the hole trace rate and reduce the over excavation.The applicable conditions of the two modes are as follows:The technology of full section blasting with pre-arranged layer can be used under the good condition of Ⅳ class surrounding rock and above grade Ⅲ surrounding rock;The technology of detonating peripheral hole with triangular lap of detonating cord can be applied under the poor condition of Ⅳ class surrounding rock and Ⅴ surrounding rock.The results can provide reference for similar projects.
Qiyue LI , Xinhao ZHAO , Xin’ao WEI , Jing ZHENG , Jianqiu ZHANG . Study and Application of Contour Control Blasting Technology for Large Section Tunnel[J]. Gold Science and Technology, 2019 , 27(3) : 350 -357 . DOI: 10.11872/j.issn.1005-2518.2019.03.350
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