Study on Characteristics of Ore-forming Fluids in Qipangou Tungsten Mining Area, Western of Zhen’an, Shaanxi
Received date: 2018-07-24
Revised date: 2018-11-05
Online published: 2019-04-30
The western part of Zhen’an is an important tungsten molybdenum polymetallic metallogenic belt in Qinling Mountains, and its metallogenic geological conditions are very favorable.A number of tungsten-molybdenum deposits have been discovered in this area in recent years.At present, the study of tungsten deposits in this area mainly focuses on the geological characteristics,ore-controlling factors, mineral assemblages, resource prediction, metallogenic model and prospecting prospects.However, research about systematic fluid inclusions and isotope geochemistry is still lacking.This paper chooses Qipangou mining area in western Zhen’an as a typical mining area, mainly studies the characteristics of fluid inclusions and discusses the properties of ore-forming fluids in the mining area.The main tungsten ore bodies in Qipangou are quartz vein scheelite, which occurs in the near north-south faults of the mining area.The metallic minerals in the ore are mainly scheelite.The ore bodies are large in scale and high in grade, but no magmatic rock bodies are found in the mining area. Therefore, the key to understand the genesis of the deposit is to clarify the source of its mineralizing material. In this study, experimental samples of scheelite-bearing quartz veins in Qipangou mining area were taken, and fluid inclusions, pyrite sulfur isotopes, hydrogen and oxygen isotopes were analyzed.The experimental results show that the gas-liquid two-phase water-soluble inclusions are mainly developed in scheelite and quartz grains which formed in the main metallogenic stage of Qipangou. The homogenization temperature of inclusions is mainly between 291.4~423.7 ℃, the hydrothermal salinity is 5.1%~7.7% [w(NaCl)],and the density of fluid is between 0.52~1.08 g/cm3. The inclusion temperature data show that the ore-forming fluids in the mining area belong to medium-high temperature and low salinity fluids,which is similar to the physical and chemical conditions of fluid in Shizhuyuan super-large tungsten deposit in Nanling area. Hydrogen and oxygen isotope results show that the main source of fluids is magmatic water,and sulfur isotope test results fall into the range of sulfur isotope composition of magmatic rocks,reflecting that tungsten deposits in the mining area are derived from magmatic hydrothermal solution.Compared with the temperature measurement results of fluid inclusions in the near-east-west layered tungsten deposits in the surrounding mining areas, the homogenization temperature of ore-forming fluids in the Qipangou mining area is obviously higher.This result reflects that the near-north-south structure in the area is the main channel for the migration of ore-forming hydrothermal fluids. The migration process of ore-forming fluids first moves along the near-north-south faults, then along the north-south faults.Then the ore-forming pour into the interbedded fissures to form the lamellar scheelite, and the temperature decreases with the migration of hydrothermal fluids. The study results of ore-forming fluids shows that the Qipangou scheelite deposit is mainly hydrothermal quartz vein type, controlled by NEE-trending faults.The NEE-trending faults are important structures for tungsten mineralization in this area, and are the main channel for ore-forming hydrothermal migration, which is of great significance for indicating prospecting.
Shiqi RUAN , Xingke YANG , Wei ZHU , Yunfeng GAO , Ke HAN . Study on Characteristics of Ore-forming Fluids in Qipangou Tungsten Mining Area, Western of Zhen’an, Shaanxi[J]. Gold Science and Technology, 2019 , 27(2) : 153 -162 . DOI: 10.11872/j.issn.1005-2518.2019.02.153
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