

  • CN 62-1112/TF 
  • ISSN 1005-2518 
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Optimization Study on the Sulfur Separation Process for Cyanide Tailing

  • Wenqiang ZHAO ,
  • Chuanjin JIANG ,
  • Baobao SHI
  • 1. Shandong Jinchuang Gold and Silver Smelting Finite Company,Yantai 265615,Shandong,China
    2. Shandong Gold Jinchuang Group Daliuhang Gold Mine,Yantai 265615,Shandong,China

Received date: 2018-02-20

  Revised date: 2018-08-17

  Online published: 2019-03-19


Since cyanide has a certain inhibitory effect on pyrite,the effect of directly using flotation to recover pyrite in cyanide tailings is not satisfactory.Therefore,the inhibited mineral flotation activity must be recovered by pretreatment of the cyanide tailings.In the gold industry,the cyanide tailings S separation process uses acid addition cyanide removal method,metal ion precipitation cyanide method and addition of redox and cyanide removal agent cyanide method or a combination method to restore the inhibited pyrite.Research papers specifically for the flotation of pyrite in cyanide tailings are rarely seen in domestic industry research.There are many problems in the pretreatment and flotation,such as the mechanism is not clear,the dosage of the drug is extensive,the production cost is high,and the index is unstable.In this study,the synergistic pretreatment method of adding reducing agent and concentrated sulfuric acid was used to restore the inhibited mineral activity,and the effects of dosing order,sodium pyrosulfite dosage and pH value on the recovery rate of sulfur concentrate and tailing grade were investigated.Pretreatment tests show that:Adding sodium pyrosulfite first and then adding concentrated sulfuric acid is better than the reverse; When the sodium pyrosulfite in an amount of 2 000 g/t and pH=2~3 can achieve the best results.The flotation tests adopt the process of one roughing,one refining and two scavenging,and the effects of pH adjusters,ammonium salts and composite inhibitors on the recovery rate of sulfur concentrate and tailing grade were investigated.The flotation test found that using CaO as a pH adjuster has an inhibitory effect on the flotation activity of pyrite,and the addition of an ammonium salt can restore this activity,but there is still a problem of foam sticking.Although the use of composite inhibitors can improve the concentrate grade and reduce the impurity content of Pb and Zn in the concentrate,the Pb and Zn in the concentrate are too fine to be entrained by the foam,so the Pb and Zn grades of the S concentrate cannot be further reduced by the flotation method alone.The test finalizes the optimum process conditions for the pretreatment:The first step was added 2 000 kg/t Na2S2O5 regent for pretreatment for 1 h,concentrated sulfuric acid was then added to the slurry,and the pH value was adjusted to 2~3 and maintained 2 h,NaOH and then adjusted to pH=6~7.The optimum flotation conditions are as follows:the dosage of dibutyl dithiophosphate is 500 g/t,the dosage of composite inhibitor is 300~500 g/t, and the good results of sulfur concentrate grade of 40 % ~42 % and S element grade of tailings of 6 % ~8 % are obtained through experiments.

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Wenqiang ZHAO , Chuanjin JIANG , Baobao SHI . Optimization Study on the Sulfur Separation Process for Cyanide Tailing[J]. Gold Science and Technology, 2019 , 27(1) : 129 -136 . DOI: 10.11872/j.issn.1005-2518.2019.01.129


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