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  • ISSN 1005-2518 
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Analysis on the Environmental Safety Status and Discussion on Reasonable Closure Measures for Tailings Reservoir in Longnan City

  • Xuan WANG ,
  • Yabian WANG ,
  • Lichen LIU ,
  • Xing CAO ,
  • Lifang ZHAO ,
  • Zhaohu ZHANG
  • 1. College of Resource and Environment,Lanzhou University,Lanzhou 730000,Gansu,China
    2. Gansu Environmental Emergency and Accident Investigation Center,Lanzhou 730000,Gansu,China

Received date: 2018-03-28

  Revised date: 2018-05-10

  Online published: 2019-03-19


Tailings leakage accidents had taken place in Longnan City in 2010 and 2015.The tailings reservoir security situation is extremely severe.Therefore,in order to prevent the occurrence of tailing reservoir accidents,we analyzed the environmental safety status of tailings reservoir and summarized the characteristics and potential safety hazards of tailings reservoir in Longnan City.The results show that the tailings reservoir is dominated by lead-zinc mines and valley-type tailings reservoir in Longnan City,with the features of small scale,large quantity,low level of safety.Some tailings reservoirs operated without licenses and most tailings reservoirs have not been closed properly,which poses great environmental risks.At the same time,12 tailings reservoirs in Longnan City were selected for field investigation.According to the field survey results of some tailings reservoir in Longnan City,the problems of reasonable closure measures for tailings reservoir in Longnan City were analyzed,and then key solutions was put forward.The results are as follows:Firstly,there are cracks in tailings dam body.Secondly,the drainage of tailings reservoir is “zero” slope and the interception ditch of tailings reservoir is above the surface of reservoir area. Some tailings reservoirs even have no interception ditch.Thirdly,tailings reservoir beach surface is designed as reverse slope and the tailings reservoir beach surface is covered with thin soil or even exposed directly.Finally,after the closing of tailings reservoir,there is a lack of corresponding management and monitoring facilities.In view of the above problems,the following solutions are proposed.For the first problem,the cracks of tailings dam can be repaired by means of expanding excavation and backfill,grouting and geotextile cover.For the second one,the "zero" slope drainage ditch can be redesigned to V-shape,arch bridge or trapezoid.Circumferential reservoir interception ditch should be lower than the surface of reservoir area.For the third one,the reverse slope of tailings reservoir beach surface should be redesigned as a straight slope.For those tailings reservoir beach surface with thin soil or no soil,we should cover the top of the tailings reservoir with gravel firstly,and then cover the soil,and finally restore the vegetation.For the last one,strengthen management and improve monitoring facilities after the closing of tailings reservoir.

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Xuan WANG , Yabian WANG , Lichen LIU , Xing CAO , Lifang ZHAO , Zhaohu ZHANG . Analysis on the Environmental Safety Status and Discussion on Reasonable Closure Measures for Tailings Reservoir in Longnan City[J]. Gold Science and Technology, 2019 , 27(1) : 144 -152 . DOI: 10.11872/j.issn.1005-2518.2019.01.144


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