Measurement of Sound Waves to Study Cumulative Damage Effect on Saturated Rock Under Frequent Production Blast Loading
Received date: 2017-12-08
Revised date: 2018-03-28
Online published: 2019-01-24
With the continuous progress of mine production blasting,there is a cumulative process of blasting damage to the engineering rock mass.When the accumulation exceeds its limit,it will cause slope and landslide and so on.Therefore,used the acoustic wave test method in scene and characterizing rock damage by the change of acoustic wave velocity,combined with modeling method of LS-DYNA finite element program to study the cumulative damage characteristics of horizontal engineering rock mass under frequent blast loading.The results show that the damages of engineering rock mass which with abundant joint fissure have a process of continuous accumulation when under frequent blast loading.There have been very few phenomena of rock mass damage happened in the early blasting order because of the saturated state of rock mass.The damage occurs increases gradually with blasting continued practice and it mostly form as the mutation increase of damage degree.The damage threshold of saturated rock should be less than 0.19 and the actual damage occurs should be more than the results of test.The cumulative damage of engineering rock mass under frequent blast loading,it is mainly express on the continuous expansion and coalescence of primary fissures,and the fracture of rock mass is more prone to break through in the case of water cut.
Liansheng LIU , Qingliang ZHONG , Lei YAN , Wen ZHONG , Longhua LIANG . Measurement of Sound Waves to Study Cumulative Damage Effect on Saturated Rock Under Frequent Production Blast Loading[J]. Gold Science and Technology, 2018 , 26(6) : 750 -760 . DOI: 10.11872/j.issn.1005-2518.2018.06.750
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