Gold Science and Technology ›› 2020, Vol. 28 ›› Issue (2): 176-187.doi: 10.11872/j.issn.1005-2518.2020.02.024
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Yiqing LIU1,2(),Yanru LIANG1,2(
),Nana LIU2,Huan HU2
CLC Number:
1 | 靖培星,卢明银,巩维才,等.基于区间直觉模糊熵和变权理论的井工煤矿绿色矿山评价[J].中国矿业,2016,25(12):59-63,75. |
Jing Peixing,Lu Mingyin,Gong Weicai,et al.Evaluation of underground coal mining green mine based on interval-valued intuitionistic fuzzy entropy and contingency theory[J].China Mining Magazine,2016,25(12):59-63,75. | |
2 | 王明旭,许梦国,王平,等.基于新型木桶理论的绿色矿山建设水平评价[J].中国矿业,2013,22(12):68-72. |
Wang Mingxu,Xu Mengguo,Wang Ping,et al.Evaluation of green mine construction based on a new barrel theory[J].China Mining Magazine,2013,22(12):68-72. | |
3 | 刘金平,严慧,杨贺,等.江苏省金属矿山绿色发展水平评价及模式研究[J].矿业研究与开发,2014,34(6):95-98. |
Liu Jinping,Yan Hui,Yang He,et al.Evaluation and model research on green development level for metal mine in Jiangsu Province[J].Mining Research and Development,2014,34(6):95-98. | |
4 | 黄敬军,宋云飞,王玉军,等.金坛盐矿绿色矿山创建的主要考评指标研究[J].中国矿业,2010,19(2):79-81,85. |
Huang Jingjun,Song Yunfei,Wang Yujun,et al.Study on the main evaluation in Jintan salt green mines to create indexes[J].China Mining Magazine,2010,19(2):79-81,85. | |
5 | 宋海彬.绿色矿山绩效评价指标设计[J].煤炭技术,2013,32(8):5-7. |
Song Haibin.Design on performance evaluation indicators of green mining[J].Coal Technology,2013,32(8):5-7. | |
6 | 张文龙,路增祥.绿色矿山建设综合评价体系构建原则与思路[J].中国矿业,2017,26(增1):134-137. |
Zhang Wenlong,Lu Zengxiang.Principles and ideas on the construction of comprehensive evaluation system of green mine construction[J].China Mining Magazine,2017,26(Supp.1):134-137. | |
7 | 王磊,王浩佳,顾进恒,等.煤矿绿色矿山建设马田系统评价体系及分析[J].矿山机械,2014,42(5):1-4. |
Wang Lei,Wang Haojia,Gu Jinheng,et al.Martin evaluation system and analysis on green coal mine construction [J].Mining and Processing Equipment,2014,42(5):1-4. | |
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Liu Jinping,He Gaowen,Yang He.Evaluation index system of ecological civilization construction in coal enterprise[J].Coal Mining Technology,2014,19(2):133-136. | |
9 | 乌力雅苏,严良,张龙.资源型县域绿色矿业评价研究——以河南嵩县为例[J].科技管理研究,2015,35(4):238-243. |
Wu Liyasu,Yan Liang,Zhang Long.Study on evaluation system of green mining industry in resource-based county—Taking Songxian County in Henan Province as an example[J].Science and Technology Management Research,2015,35(4):238-243. | |
10 | 龚斌,师懿,陈姚朵,等.生态文明建设背景下绿色矿山内涵扩展研究[J].中国矿业,2017,26(8):81-85. |
Gong Bin,Shi Yi,Chen Yaoduo,et al.Research on the connotation expansion of green mines under the background of ecological civilization construction[J].China Mining Magazine,2017,26(8):81-85. | |
11 | 杨俊鹏,戴华阳,张建伟.新常态下我国绿色矿山建设面临问题与解决途径[J].中国矿业,2017,26(1):67-71. |
Yang Junpeng,Dai Huayang,Zhang Jianwei.The problems and solution of the construction of green mine in the new normal[J].China Mining Magazine,2017,26(1):67-71. | |
12 | 中华人民共和国自然资源部.国土资源部制定发布《国家级绿色矿山基本条件》[EB/OL].[2010-08-20].. |
Ministry of Natural Resources of the People’s Republic of China.Ministry of Land and Resources formulates and releases the Basic Conditions for National Green Mines[EB/OL].[2010-08-20].. | |
13 | 高云峰,徐友宁,祝雅轩,等.矿山生态环境修复研究热点与前沿分析——基于VOSviewer和CiteSpace的大数据可视化研究[J].地质通报,2018,37(12):2144-2153. |
Gao Yunfeng,Xu Youning,Zhu Yaxuan,et al.An analysis of the hotspot and frontier of mine eco-environment restoration based on big data visualization of VOSviewer and CiteSpace[J].Geological Bulletin of China,2018,37(12):2144-2153. | |
14 | 李碧珍,吴芃梅,杨少雄.新时代中国经济高质量发展的知识图谱研究——基于CiteSpace的可视化分析[J].东南学术,2019(5):181-190. |
Li Bizhen,Wu Pengmei,Yang Shaoxiong.Research on knowledge graph of high-quality development of Chinese economy in the new era based on visual analysis of CiteSpace[J].Southeast Academic Research,2019(5):181-190. | |
15 | 鞠建华,王嫱,陈甲斌.新时代中国矿业高质量发展研究[J].中国矿业,2019,28(1):1-7. |
Ju Jianhua,Wang Qiang,Chen Jiabin.Study on the high quality development of China mining industry in the new era [J].China Mining Magazine,2019,28(1):1-7. | |
16 | 侯华丽,强海洋,陈丽新.新时代矿业绿色发展与高质量发展思路研究[J].中国国土资源经济,2018,31(8):4-10. |
Hou Huali,Qiang Haiyang,Chen Lixin.Study on the green development and high quality development of mining industry in the new era [J].Natural Resource Economics of China,2018,31(8):4-10. | |
17 | 张文龙,路增祥.绿色矿山建设综合评价体系构建原则与思路[J].中国矿业,2017,26(增1):134-137. |
Zhang Wenlong,Lu Zengxiang.Principles and ideas on the construction of comprehensive evaluation system of green mine construction[J].China Mining Magazine,2017,26(Supp.1):134-137. | |
18 | 黄敬军,倪嘉曾,宋云飞,等.绿色矿山建设考评指标体系的探讨[J].金属矿山,2009,39(11):147-150. |
Huang Jingjun,Ni Jiazeng,Song Yunfei,et al.Discussion on the evaluation index system for green mine construction [J].Metal Mine,2009,39(11):147-150. | |
19 | 闫志刚,刘玉朋,王雪丽.绿色矿山建设评价指标与方法研究[J].中国煤炭,2012,38(2):116-120. |
Yan Zhigang,Liu Yupeng,Wang Xueli.Evaluation criterion and method of green mine[J].China Coal,2012,38(2):116-120. | |
20 | 赖小莹.绿色矿山建设评价指标与方法研究[J].资源节约与环保,2013(8):26. |
Lai Xiaoying.Research on evaluation indexes and methods of green mine construction[J].Resources Economization and Environmental Protection,2013(8):26. | |
21 | 宋学峰,温斌.绿色矿山建设水平定量化评价研究[J].中国矿业,2014,23(4):54-56,61. |
Song Xuefeng,Wen Bin.Research into the quantitative evaluation of the green mine construction[J].China Mining Magazine,2014,23(4):54-56,61. | |
22 | 沈洪涛,马诗咏,刘伟.黑龙江省绿色矿山建设政策探讨[J].经济研究导刊,2016(5):34-35. |
Shen Hongtao,Ma Shiyong,Liu Wei.Disccusion on green mine construction policy in Heilongjiang Province [J].Economic Research Guide,2016(5):34-35. | |
23 | 李瑞军,李杏茹,于常亮,等.基于三率水平核算下的绿色矿山建设评价指标的建立[J].现代矿业,2018,34(12):48-51,55. |
Li Ruijun,Li Xingru,Yu Changliang,et al.Establishment of evaluation indexes of green mine construction based on three- rate level accounting[J].Modern Mining,2018,34(12):48-51,55. | |
24 | 江涛,王佟,宋梅.煤炭行业绿色矿山建设标准及其评价指标初步探讨[J].煤田地质与勘探,2018,46(1):1-7. |
Jiang Tao,Wang Tong,Song Mei.Preliminary discussion on construction standards and evaluation index of green coal mine[J].Coal Geology and Exploration,2018,46(1):1-7. | |
25 | 钟琛,胡乃联,段绍甫,等.有色金属绿色矿山评价体系研究[J].矿业研究与开发,2019,39(7):146-151. |
Zhong Chen,Hu Nailian,Duan Shaofu,al at.Research on evaluation system of green mines in non-ferrous metal industry[J].Mining Research and Development,2019,39(7):146-151. | |
26 | 苏永伟,陈池波.经济高质量发展评价指标体系构建与实证[J].统计与决策,2019(24):38-41. |
Su Yongwei,Chen Chibo.Construction and demonstration of evaluation index system for high quality economy development[J].Statistics and Decision,2019(24):38-41. | |
27 | 杨波.国有企业高质量发展评价指标体系分析[J].会计之友,2019(23):45-49. |
Yang Bo.Analysis on evaluation index system of high-quality development of state-owned enterprises[J].Friends of Accounting,2019(23):45-49. | |
28 | 李金昌,史龙梅,徐蔼婷.高质量发展评价指标体系探讨[J].统计研究,2019,36(1):4-14. |
Li Jinchang,Shi Longmei,Xu Aiting.Probe into the assessment indicator system on high-quality development [J].Statistical Research,2019,36(1):4-14. | |
29 | 柯斌,邱钰峻,张晓飞.基于CRITIC-G1法赋权的铁路线路速度目标值综合评价[J].铁道标准设计,2020,64(3):31-36. |
Ke Bin,Qiu Yujun,Zhang Xiaofei.Comprehensive evaluation of railway speed target value based on CRITIC-G1 weight methods[J].Railway Standard Design,2020,64(3):31-36. |
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