收稿日期: 2023-06-19
修回日期: 2023-12-06
网络出版日期: 2024-03-22
Influence of Forced-Exhaust Mixed Ventilation Parameters on the Cooling Effect of Artificial Cooling in High-temperature Blind Roadway
Received date: 2023-06-19
Revised date: 2023-12-06
Online published: 2024-03-22
为了改善独头掘进巷道高温环境,以大红山铜矿西矿段-20 m中段北沿脉西侧高温独头掘进巷道为研究对象,利用Fluent进行数值模拟,开展了风筒高度、抽出式风筒滞后压入式风筒距离及抽压比对独头巷道人工制冷降温效果的影响研究。结果表明:压入式风筒高度对降温效果影响明显,最佳高度为1.0 m;抽出式风筒与压入式风筒高度持平时,降温效果最好,最佳高度为1.0 m;抽出式风筒滞后压入式风筒距离过大不利于降温,最佳距离为5.0 m;抽压比过小或过大均不能使掘进巷道形成良好的风流循环,降温效果较差,最佳抽压比为2.0。研究成果可为高温矿井通风辅助人工制冷降温参数选取提供指导。
李杰林 , 刘一良 , 王玉普 , 李在利 , 周科平 , 程春龙 . 高温独头巷道压抽混合式通风参数对人工制冷降温效果的影响[J]. 黄金科学技术, 2024 , 32(1) : 63 -74 . DOI: 10.11872/j.issn.1005-2518.2024.01.092
With the increasing mining depth of metal mines,the problem of high temperature damage in mines is becoming more and more serious,which has become an urgent problem to be solved in deep mining of metal mines.At present,high-temperature mine cooling technology can be divided into two categories:Non-artificial refrigeration cooling technology and artificial refrigeration cooling technology.The latter can effectively solve the cooling problem of high-temperature mines,and is widely used in high-temperature mines at home and abroad.However,a large amount of heat will be generated during the operation of the artificial cooling equipment,which is easy to cause heat accumulation,thus affect the cooling effect.Therefore,it is a reasonable and feasible method to use the local ventilation system of the mine to discharge the heat generated by the operation of the cooling equipment.The high-temperature single-headed excavation roadway on the west side of the -20 m level of the north along the vein in the west section of the Dahongshan copper mine was taken as the research object,and numerical simulations were conducted by Fluent software to investigate the effects of the vent duct height,the distance of the exhaust vent duct lagging the forced vent duct and the exhaust forced ratio on the cooling effect of artificial cooling.The results show that the height of forced vent duct has an obvious influence on the cooling effect,and the optimal height is 1.0 m.The cooling effect is the best when the height of exhaust vent duct is equal to that of forced vent duct,and the optimal height is 1.0 m.The distance between exhaust vent duct and forced vent duct is too large,which is not conducive to cooling,and the optimal distance is 5.0 m.The exhaust forced ratio is too small or too large to form a good wind circulation in the driving drift,and the cooling effect is poor,the optimal exhaust forced ratio is 2.0.The research results can provide guidance for the selection of artificial cooling parameters for high temperature mine ventilation assisted cooling.
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