



  • CN 62-1112/TF 
  • ISSN 1005-2518 
  • 创刊于1988年


  • 徐泽峰 ,
  • 史秀志 ,
  • 黄仁东 ,
  • 丁文智 ,
  • 陈新
  • 中南大学资源与安全工程学院,湖南 长沙 410083

收稿日期: 2023-08-24

  修回日期: 2023-11-20

  网络出版日期: 2024-03-22



Study on Filling Pipeline Optimization Based on Full Pipe Transportation

  • Zefeng XU ,
  • Xiuzhi SHI ,
  • Rendong HUANG ,
  • Wenzhi DING ,
  • Xin CHEN
  • School of Resources and Safety Engineering,Central South University,Changsha 410083,Hunan,China

Received date: 2023-08-24

  Revised date: 2023-11-20

  Online published: 2024-03-22


满管输送可以延长充填管路的使用寿命,提高矿山充填作业效率。基于凡口铅锌矿新探明边缘矿体开采的充填需求,针对现有充填管线直径100 mm无法实现满管输送的问题,以地表管线SL1和地下管线L2-2为研究对象,开展充填管路优化研究。首先,运用理论计算,得出输送分级尾砂和细尾砂时,SL1的满管率分别为0.62和1.95,L2-2的满管率分别为0.72和2.26;其次,以最优满管率0.8为标准,通过公式推导,得出输送分级尾砂和细尾砂时SL1的理想水平管径分别为87 mm和155 mm,L2-2的理想水平管径分别为94 mm和168 mm;最后,利用CFD构建管道模型,运用Fluent软件进行变径满管流的数值模拟,通过对管道的压力及出口最大流速等进行对比分析得出,输送分级尾砂时减小管径可以增大满管率,且仍可自流输送;输送细尾砂时增大管径可以降低泵送压力。模拟结果证明此优化方案合理且具有很强的可行性。


徐泽峰 , 史秀志 , 黄仁东 , 丁文智 , 陈新 . 基于满管输送的充填管路优化研究[J]. 黄金科学技术, 2024 , 32(1) : 160 -169 . DOI: 10.11872/j.issn.1005-2518.2024.01.122


Mine filling technology is an important technical means for the construction of green mines,and full pipe transportation is a very important technology in the filling operation of underground metal mines.Full pipe transportation can minimize the contact area between filling slurry and air,reduce the impact on the filling pipeline,extend the service life of the filling pipeline,and improve the efficiency of mining filling operations.Aiming at the problem of the long distance between the newly discovered edge ore body and the filling station in Fankou lead-zinc mine and the high difficulty of transportation,the surface pipeline SL1 and underground pipeline L2-2 in the mine design plan were selected as the research objects to study the optimization plan of the filling pipeline in Fankou lead-zinc mine.Firstly,using theoretical formulas and based on the filling data of Fankou lead-zinc mine,the filling line and full pipe rate of SL1 pipeline and L2-2 pipeline were calculated when transporting graded tailings and fine tailings,respectively.The comparison was made using the optimal full pipe rate of 0.8 as the standard.The results show that both pipelines are in a state of under pipe when transporting graded tailings,and are in a state of over pipe when transporting fine tailings,which do not meet the optimal full pipe rate and need optimization.Secondly,through formula derivation and calculation,the ideal horizontal pipe diameter and the hydraulic slope after diameter change when transporting different slurry were obtained.Finally,numerical simulation was used to verify the calculation results of pipe diameter optimization.A pipeline model was constructed using CFD.The vertical pipeline was taken as 5 m,the horizontal pipeline was 23 m,the total length of the pipeline was 28 m,and the curvature radius at the bend of the pipeline was 0.55 m.The horizontal pipe diameter was changed.Fluent software was used to simulate the full pipe transportation before and after the diameter change,and key data such as flow velocity and full process resistance were obtained when transporting graded tailings and fine tailings.By comparing and analyzing the pressure of the pipeline and the maximum outlet flow rate,it is concluded that SL1 and L2-2 can transport graded tailings by gravity after optimizing the pipe diameter,while fine tailings can’t be transported by gravity.However,the pumping pressure is significantly reduced,so the calculation results are reasonable.Therefore,this optimization plan is relatively reasonable and has strong guiding significance for mining filling operations.


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