



  • CN 62-1112/TF 
  • ISSN 1005-2518 
  • 创刊于1988年


  • 傅璇 ,
  • 黄麟淇 ,
  • 陈江湛 ,
  • 吴阳春 ,
  • 李夕兵
  • 中南大学资源与安全工程学院,湖南 长沙 410083

收稿日期: 2021-10-29

  修回日期: 2021-12-22

  网络出版日期: 2022-04-25



Meeting the Challenge of High Geothermal Ground Temperature Environ-ment in Deep Mining—Research on Geothermal Ground Temperature Simula-tion Platform of Rock True Triaxial Testing Machine

  • Xuan FU ,
  • Linqi HUANG ,
  • Jiangzhan CHEN ,
  • Yangchun WU ,
  • Xibing LI
  • School of Resources and Safety Engineering,Central South University,Changsha 410083,Hunan,China

Received date: 2021-10-29

  Revised date: 2021-12-22

  Online published: 2022-04-25


为迎接深部开采高地温环境的挑战,提高真三轴试验设备的高地应力—高地温耦合能力,开展了岩石真三轴试验机地温模拟平台的研发工作。通过建立数值模拟(COMSOL)、变异系数法(RSD)与多属性决策问题理想解法(TOPSIS)相结合的真三轴高地应力—高地温耦合加载方案评估体系,对3种加温方案进行综合指标评估和方案优选。为了取得贴近实际情况的最佳试验效果,选取岩石表面加温均匀度、加压杆水冷外侧散热量、岩样平均升温速率、加压板应变值和经济成本作为评估方案优劣的5项基础评价指标。运用COMSOL Multiphysics仿真软件模拟3种加温方案,通过变异系数法,将模拟所得的数据进行客观赋值,并将相应的指标数值代入TOPSIS模型中进行综合评价。结果显示:六面加热棒加温、环状加热器加温和液体传热加温3种方案综合评价指数分别为0.4288、0.9447和0.5532,环状加热器加温的方式与正理想解贴近度达到0.9447,为最优决策。该评估体系将理论方法、数值计算与数值模拟相结合,为寻找最优的真三轴试验设备加温方案提供了可靠的理论依据和试验基础,对当前深部岩石开采所需的高地应力—高地温耦合能力的仪器研究具有指导意义。


傅璇 , 黄麟淇 , 陈江湛 , 吴阳春 , 李夕兵 . 迎接深部开采高地温环境的挑战——岩石真三轴试验机地温模拟平台研究[J]. 黄金科学技术, 2022 , 30(1) : 72 -84 . DOI: 10.11872/j.issn.1005-2518.2022.01.160


In order to meet the challenge of the high ground temperature environment of deep mining,realize the real simulation of the environment,and improve the high ground stress-high ground temperature coupling capability of the true triaxial test equipment,the research and development of the ground temperature simulation platform of the rock true triaxial test machine has been carried out. The exploration and establishment of three kinds of heating schemes for the ground temperature simulation platform are the six-sided heating rod heating scheme based on solid medium heat transfer,the ring heater heating scheme and the liquid heat transfer heating scheme based on liquid medium heat transfer. Through the establishment of a true triaxial high ground stress-high ground temperature coupled loading program evaluation system combining numerical simulation (COMSOL),coefficient of variation method (RSD) and ideal solution for multi-attribute decision-making problems (TOPSIS),comprehensive indicators for three heating programs evaluation and scheme optimization. In order to obtain the best test results close to reality,the five basic evaluations of the quality of the evaluation plan are the uniformity of heating on the rock surface,the heat dissipation from the outside of the pressurized rod,the average heating rate of the rock sample,the strain value of the pressurized plate and the economic cost index. The COMSOL Multiphysics simulation software was used to simulate three heating schemes. Through the coefficient of variation method,the simulated data were objectively assigned,and the corresponding index values ??were brought into the TOPSIS model for comprehensive evaluation. The evaluation results show that the comprehensive evaluation indexes of the three schemes of six-sided heating rod heating,ring heater heating,and liquid heat transfer heating are 0.4288,0.9447 and 0.5532,respectively. The heating method of the ring heater is consistent with a positive ideal solution. The closeness degree reaches 0.9447,which is the optimal decision after comprehensively considering the five indicators. This evaluation system combines theoretical methods,numerical calculations and numerical simulations,and provides a reliable theoretical basis and experimental basis for finding the optimal heating scheme for true triaxial test equipment. The instrumental research on the coupling capability of ground temperature is of guiding significance.


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