收稿日期: 2020-11-26
修回日期: 2021-04-27
网络出版日期: 2021-10-08
Research and Prospecting Prediction of Concealed Tin-Copper Polymetallic Deposit by Geo⁃electrochemical Extraction Method in Jidongwan Mining Area of Luocheng County,Guangxi
Received date: 2020-11-26
Revised date: 2021-04-27
Online published: 2021-10-08
王宇慧 , 罗先熔 , 何旺 , 王东 , 汤国栋 , 商振城 . 广西罗城县记洞湾矿区地电化学提取法寻找隐伏锡铜多金属矿的研究及找矿预测[J]. 黄金科学技术, 2021 , 29(4) : 500 -509 . DOI: 10.11872/j.issn.1005-2518.2021.04.203
In order to solve the deep prospecting problem of Jidongwan mining area in Luocheng County,Guangxi,the geo-electrochemical extraction method was carried out to explore concealed tin-copper polymetallic deposits.It is found that the geo-electrochemical extraction anomaly,shown above the known orebody profile,exists a high correspondence with the orebody,which can better reflect the concealed tin-copper orebody.It means that the geo-electrochemical extraction method is feasible to find tin-copper polymetallic deposits in the Jidongwan mining area,and it has good effectiveness and adaptability. The factor analysis of the geo-electrochemical extraction element data in the study area was conducted.The results show that the elements can be classified into four elemental assemblages,namely,F1(Cu-Ni-Co-Pb-Zn),F2(Ag-Bi),F3(W-Sn) and F4(B).According to the spatial distribution pattern of single elements and elemental assemblages anomalies extracted by the geo-electrochemical approach,it can be seen that each element has a high anomalous definition,intensity,and good continuity.Besides,the elemental assemblages are anomalously well-nested and clearly zoned.Based on the analysis of the spatial distribution characteristics of the geoelectric extraction elements and the combined element anomalies in the Jidongwan mining area,according to the size,intensity,morphological characteristics and the degree of agreement between the anomalies,combined with the geological location and geological characteristics and other factors, two A type target areas(A-1,A-2) and two B type target areas(B-1,B-2)are delineated in the study area.It is believed that the study area has favorable ore-forming geological conditions,which is a favorable location for searching for concealed tin-copper polymetallic orebodies,and has great prospecting potential.
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