



  • CN 62-1112/TF 
  • ISSN 1005-2518 
  • 创刊于1988年


  • 李泽佑 ,
  • 黄锐 ,
  • 赵淑琪 ,
  • 沈学 ,
  • 吴娥
  • 中南大学资源与安全工程学院,湖南 长沙 410083

收稿日期: 2020-03-30

  修回日期: 2020-05-25

  网络出版日期: 2020-11-05



Ventilation Method Optimization of Dust Extraction in an Excavation Roadway of High-altitude Mine

  • Zeyou LI ,
  • Rui HUANG ,
  • Shuqi ZHAO ,
  • Xue SHEN ,
  • E WU
  • School of Resources and Safety Engineering,Central South University,Changsha 410083,Hunan,China

Received date: 2020-03-30

  Revised date: 2020-05-25

  Online published: 2020-11-05


为优选高海拔矿山独头巷道通风降尘方法,研究粉尘颗粒扩散和分布规律,以云南迪庆普朗矿海拔3 700 m的一条独头巷道为研究对象,利用Fluent软件进行数值模拟研究。建立基于长压短抽、长抽短压和压入式通风方法的6种通风方案模型,对6种方案的风流场、粉尘颗粒分布情况以及呼吸面粉尘颗粒浓度进行分析和比较,并选择压风口与掘进面的距离和风筒中心点与地面的距离2个参数对压入式通风除尘系统的压入风筒位置进行优化。对最佳方案的粉尘颗粒质量浓度及粉尘运移规律进行分析,并与相同通风条件下的平原矿山独头巷道进行对比。研究结果表明:对于该高海拔矿山独头巷道,选择压入式通风方法,压入风筒布置在巷道正中央正上方位置,且压风口与掘进面的距离Z=1.3S、风筒中心点与地面的距离L=5D时,通风降尘效果最理想;在压入式通风条件下,高海拔矿山除尘效率优于平原矿山。


李泽佑 , 黄锐 , 赵淑琪 , 沈学 , 吴娥 . 高海拔矿山独头巷道通风降尘方法优选[J]. 黄金科学技术, 2020 , 28(5) : 743 -752 . DOI: 10.11872/j.issn.1005-2518.2020.05.065


With the implementation of the grand western development program,a number of mines located at high altitude have appeared in China,where the special environmental factors of low air pressure and low temperature have brought challenge to the dust extraction work of the mines.The large amount of productive dust will cause serious damage to human respiratory system and is one of the main threats to the health of mine workers.The working face of the excavation roadway is one of the largest productive dust sources in underground mining operation.Therefore,it is of great engineering value and theoretical significance to study the dust extraction method of excavation roadway in high-altitude mine.In order to optimize the ventilation method of dust extraction in an excavation roadway of high-altitude mine and study the law of dust particle diffusion and distribution,the numerical simulation was conducted with computational fluid dynamics software Fluent and an excavation roadway (with section shape of three centered arch) at an altitude of 3 700 m in Pulang mine was taken as research object.The Lagrange discrete phase model was selected to calculate the gas-solid flow,which allows the exchange of momentum,mass and energy between continuous phase and discrete phase but ignores the interaction between particles.Through analyzing six different ventilation scheme models about far-forcing-near-exhausting(FFNE),near-forcing-far-exhausting(NFFE) and pure forcing(PF) established in this paper,the airflow field,dust particle distribution and respiratory zone dust particle concentration of them were analyzed and compared to optimize the better ventilation method.The distance between the pressure vent and the heading face and the distance between the center of the air duct and the ground were set as parameters to optimize the position of the air duct of the blowing ventilation.The mass concentration of dust particles and the law of dust particle diffusion in the selected plan were analyzed and compared with the excavation roadway in plain mine under the same ventilation condition.The following conclusions can be drawn:For the excavation roadway at an altitude of 3 700 m in Pulang mine,the best solution for dust extraction is using blowing ventilation scheme where the air duct is arranged in the position directly above the center of the roadway,while the distance between the pressure vent and the heading face is set to 16 m, and the distance between the center of the air duct and the ground is set to 3 m.The sedimentation of dust particles makes the mass concentration of dust particles is high at the bottom of the roadway and low at the top of the roadway.The mass concentration of dust particles at the cross section of the roadway (1 m,5 m,10 m,20 m,30 m) increases first and then decreases.The occurrence point of the maximum value of the dust particle mass concentration moves away from the working face with time,and its value generally decreases.Under the same ventilation condition,the dust extraction efficiency of high altitude mine is better than that of plain mine.


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