收稿日期: 2019-05-30
修回日期: 2019-06-25
网络出版日期: 2019-12-24
Potential Evaluation of Pegmatite-type Lithium-Beryllium Mineral Resources in Dahongliutan,Xinjiang
Received date: 2019-05-30
Revised date: 2019-06-25
Online published: 2019-12-24
近年来新疆西昆仑地区锂铍等稀有金属矿产的找矿工作取得了重大突破,已发现多处具有大型—超大型找矿前景的锂铍等稀有金属矿床(点),有望成为西北地区乃至全国重要的锂铍矿产资源基地。新疆大红柳滩地区锂铍矿床以伟晶岩型为主,多个伟晶岩型锂铍矿床正在开展调查评价项目,取得较好的找矿成果,显示出巨大的锂铍资源潜力。因此,在研究区开展矿产资源潜力评价,有利于了解研究区内的锂铍资源量,为下一步锂铍矿系统查证工作提供依据。在系统收集资料和野外地质调查的基础上,开展了大红柳滩地区伟晶岩型锂等稀有金属矿成矿规律的综合研究,选取阿克塔斯稀有金属矿床为典型矿床,将典型矿床单位体积内锂铍矿产资源平均含量的估计值,外推到预测区的体积范围内,估计预测区内的锂铍矿产资源量。进而在大红柳滩地区圈定出35个伟晶岩型锂等稀有金属矿最小预测区,其中A类5个、B类8个、C类22个。在新疆大红柳滩一带预测350 m以浅Li2O资源总量为913.61×106 t,BeO资源总量为27.18×106 t。
王记周 , 燕洲泉 , 徐磊 , 李侃 , 李元茂 , 郑耀文 , 王怀涛 , 王玉玺 . 新疆大红柳滩地区伟晶岩型锂铍资源潜力分析[J]. 黄金科学技术, 2019 , 27(6) : 802 -815 . DOI: 10.11872/j.issn.1005-2518.2019.06.802
Rare metals are the key mineral resources of strategic emerging industries,which play an irreplaceable role in both the high-end equipment manufacturing industry and the field of new energy vehicles.In recent years, mineral geological survey work of lithium and other rare metal deposits have made breakthrough in West Kunlun,Xinjiang.Several lithium-beryllium and other rare metal ore deposits with large-scale and super-large prospecting prospets have been found.It is expected to become a lithium-beryllium emerging strategic mineral resources base in northwest and even the whole China.In Dahongliutan area,the main type of lithium-beryllium deposit is pegmatite-type.In view of many pegmatite type lithium-beryllium deposits,investigation and evaluation projects are being carried out,and good prospecting results are obtained.It shows that the potential of lithium-beryllium is huge in Dahongliutan area.However,there are few research reports on the resource potential analysis of pegmatite type lithium-beryllium deposits in this area.Therefore,the evaluation of the potential of mineral resources is helpful to find out the amount of lithium-beryllium resources in the study area,and provides the basis for systematic investigate.Based on the systematic data collection,field investigation and comprehensive research,this paper analyzed and evaluated the resource potential of pegmatite-type lithium-beryllium mineral in Dahongliutan area.The latest mineral resources potential evaluation method(geologic volumetric methods) was used in this study.Geologic volumetric methods is the average content of lithium beryllium mineral resources per unit volume of a typical deposit is extrapolated to the volume of the predicted area to estimate the amount of lithium beryllium mineral resources in the predicted area.And then,35 minimum prediction areas was circled,including 5 class A,8 class B and 22 class C.The resource reserves shallower than 350 m for Li2O and BeO were estimated to be 913.61×106 t and 27.18×106 t in Dahongliutan area.
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