



  • CN 62-1112/TF 
  • ISSN 1005-2518 
  • 创刊于1988年


  • 梁昌金 ,
  • 马传净
  • 1. 韩山师范学院,广东 潮州 515633
    2. 北京碧水源科技有限公司,北京 102206

收稿日期: 2018-08-02

  修回日期: 2019-01-04

  网络出版日期: 2019-11-07



Iodine-ammonia Leaching System for Leaching Gold from Waste Printed Circuit Boards

  • Changjin LIANG ,
  • Chuanjing MA
  • 1. Hanshan Normal University,Chaozhou 515633,Guangdong,China
    2. Beijing Bishuiyuan Science & Technology Ltd. ,Beijing 102206,China

Received date: 2018-08-02

  Revised date: 2019-01-04

  Online published: 2019-11-07


为降低碘化法浸金的成本,提高浸出率,使用氨作为辅助络合剂,通过正交试验考察固液比、I2/I-摩尔比、KI浓度和氨水用量等影响浸出率的几个因素。研究结果表明:固液比对金的浸出效果影响最大,其后依次是氨水用量、KI浓度和I2/I-摩尔比。通过单因素试验获取各影响因素的最佳条件,结果表明:固液比的增加可提高金浸出率,当pH值在8~9之间,I2/KI摩尔比为1∶8,KI质量浓度为0.25 g/mL,氨水体积浓度为1%,浸出时间为4 h时,混合体系对金的浸出效果最好,浸出率最高可达96%。氨水的添加对金的浸出有明显的促进作用,可提高金浸出率,降低碘化法浸金成本。


梁昌金 , 马传净 . 碘—氨浸出体系用于废旧印刷线路板中金的浸取[J]. 黄金科学技术, 2019 , 27(5) : 784 -790 . DOI: 10.11872/j.issn.1005-2518.2019.05.784


As early as 1980s,gold leaching with iodine has been intensely researched,but it has not been applied in industry due to the high cost.In recent years,with the appearing of the drawbacks of other hydrometallurgies such as aqua regia and cyanidation,the iodine leaching system has begun to attract people’s attention again.And many researchers use iodine leaching system to leach gold from the waste printed circuit board,but the high cost is still the main factor restricting its development.In order to reduce the cost and improve the leaching rate,cheaper ammonia was used as an auxiliary complex agent in the gold leaching from waste printed circuit board by iodine system.The orthogonal experiments of influential factors,such as the solid-liquid ratio,the molar ratio of I2/I-,I- concentration,ammonia concentration,eaction time were conducted.The single-factor experiments were conducted to obtain the optimum value of each factor when the gold leaching rate was the highest.The results show that at the optimal combination of various factors,the highest gold leaching rate can reach 98.6%.The solid-liquid ratio is the most significant influential factor on gold leaching,followed by the dosage of ammonia,the concentration of KI,and the molar ratio of I2/I-.The results of single-factor experiments show that the decrease of the solid-liquid ratio can improve the leaching rate.When pH value is between 8 and 9,molar ratio of I2/I- is 1∶8,KI concentration is 0.25 g/mL,the amount of ammonia is 1% (volume fraction),the temperature is 30 ℃,and the leaching time is 4 h,the efficiency of the hybrid system of gold leaching is best,and the highest leaching rate can reach 96%.The addition of ammonia has obvious promoting effect on leaching rate.Ammonia can be used as both complexing agent and auxiliary additive in gold leaching reaction,which can participate in the complexing reaction of gold and promote the transformation of I2 to I-.This has certain guiding significance for reducing the leaching cost and improving the leaching rate of the gold leaching system by iodine.


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