



  • CN 62-1112/TF 
  • ISSN 1005-2518 
  • 创刊于1988年


  • 金家聪 ,
  • 陈庆发
  • 广西大学资源环境与材料学院,广西 南宁 530004

收稿日期: 2018-09-25

  修回日期: 2019-06-10

  网络出版日期: 2019-11-07



Innovative Mindsets and Innovative Techniques of Synergetic Mining Methods

  • Jiacong JIN ,
  • Qingfa CHEN
  • School of Resources,Environment and Materials,Guangxi University,Nanning 530004,Guangxi,China

Received date: 2018-09-25

  Revised date: 2019-06-10

  Online published: 2019-11-07




金家聪 , 陈庆发 . 协同采矿方法的创新思维与创新技法[J]. 黄金科学技术, 2019 , 27(5) : 712 -721 . DOI: 10.11872/j.issn.1005-2518.2019.05.712


The basic characteristics of the occurrence of metal mineral resources in China are as follows: There are few large deposits,many medium and small deposits;There are few single metal ores,many associated and multi-metal ores. Besides,it also includes extensive management and low intensification.With the increase of mining intensity,the easy-to-exploit resources are gradually exhausted,and some resources such as difficult mining,hidden dangers,and complex engineering objectives have gradually received attention.At present,it is necessary to adopt some new mining concepts,new propositions,new theories,new technologies and new methods to guide the exploitation of this complex and difficult resources.In 2008,the author draws the concept of synergy into the technical difficult problems of mining hidden resources in the mined-out areas,and creatively proposed a new technology model for mining development in which the hidden danger resource exploitation and the empty area treatment are coordinated.Since then,the prelude of “synergetic mining” research has been opened in China’s mining engineering academic circles.With the in-depth development of the concept of “synergetic mining”,synergetic mining has become a hot research topic for mining industry professionals.Chinese scholars have proposed or invented a number of typical schemes for synergetic mining methods.As mining methods under the concept of synergetic mining,the synergetic mining method has advantages in mining complex underground difficult resources.The invention and creation of the synergetic mining method not only has the inventor’s conscious or unconscious innovative mindsets guidance,but also requires certain skills and methods,that is,“innovative techniques”.So far,few scholars have systematically summarized and analyzed the innovative mindsets and innovative techniques of this type of mining method.Based on this,three kinds of innovative mindsets and corresponding innovative techniques,which are commonly used in engineering,were summarized.And the innovative mindsets and innovative techniques of the 19 synergetic mining methods invented by Chinese researchers since 2009 to 2018 were reviewed and analyzed.The weighted average of innovative mindsets and innovative techniques is calculated,and the enlightenment of the calculation results was discussed.The analysis shows that the combinational innovative mindsets and its corresponding innovative techniques dominate the innovation activities of synergetic mining methods,accounting for 90.48% of the entire innovation system,and can continue to play the mainstream guiding role in a certain period of time.There are few applications of transplant innovative mindsets and reverse innovative mindsets in the innovation of synergetic mining methods,which only account for 4.76% of the entire innovation system respectively.Their corresponding Direct Analogy Technique and Reverse Thinking Technique,and other innovative techniques may also be used to create synergetic mining methods in the future.In the future synergetic mining method innovation activities,it can be realized through the following four ways:The development of mature traditional mining methods as the main body,and the addition of some new structures and new technologies to the stope structure or mining process of traditional mining methods; Functions,structures,methods,etc. are combined with foreign objects; The same functions,structures,methods,etc. are superimposed in quantity; Through in-depth analysis of traditional mining methods,their structures are deconstructed and reorganized.The research results are of positive reference for promoting the invention of the future synergetic mining method.The following four ways are proposed for reference: The development of mature traditional mining methods as the main body,the addition of some new structures and new technologies to the stope structure or the mining process,which are two big aspects of traditional mining methods; The different functions,structures,methods and the like of different objects are combined; the same functions,structures,methods and the like of same objects are superimposed in quantity; And the structure is deconstructed and reorganized by in-depth analysis of the traditional mining method.


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