收稿日期: 2018-03-21
修回日期: 2019-04-25
网络出版日期: 2019-11-07
Investigation and Optimization of Processing Flowsheet for a Luoba Lead-zinc Mine in Gansu Province
Received date: 2018-03-21
Revised date: 2019-04-25
Online published: 2019-11-07
周贺鹏 , 胡洁 , 段朝阳 , 邓攀 , 钟志刚 , 张永兵 . 甘肃洛坝铅锌矿选矿流程考察与优化[J]. 黄金科学技术, 2019 , 27(5) : 696 -703 . DOI: 10.11872/j.issn.1005-2518.2019.05.696
The lead and zinc mineral resources are very abundance in China,but the lead-zinc metal quantity is much short for further mining.The resources are not of natural endowment,with difficulty of utilization.Type of lead-zinc deposit is variety and associated elements are rich.Sulfide minerals have similar interface properties and are difficult to separate.Widespread as the occurrence of resource is,the ores are mostly very low-grade,complexity of multi-components and difficult of separation.All of this up make it difficult to recover such resources efficiently and comprehensively.It is necessary to carry out systematic process optimization and technical research in order to improve the comprehensive utilization.The Luoba lead-zinc deposit in Gansu Province is a mudstone-fine clastic lead-zinc deposit,associated with a small amount of silver and sulfur.With the long-term exploitation and utilization,the valuable metal content of lead and zinc in the ore decreases,while the content of carbonaceous and siliceous minerals increases,which brings great interference to the separation and recovery of lead and zinc.There are some problems in lead and zinc concentrate production,such as lead concentrate grade decrease,zinc concentrate containing excessive silicon.As a result,the present mineral processing technology and reagent system can’t adapt to the change of ore properties well.Therefore,a systematic process optimization and technical research should be carried out to find out the quality decline of concentrate and the possible problems in the process of concentration,and to explore the difficulties and physical factors in the recovery of lead and zinc flotation,so as to improve the comprehensive utilization level of resources.On the basis of detailed understanding of mineral processing technology and production status,an overall processing flowsheet investigation was conducted.It has been studied that the technical parameters and production conditions of each operation of grinding and floating process.Then the distribution of useful and harmful elements was identified.The problems existing in the production process were analyzed,the physical factors concerning the grade and quality of lead and zinc concentrate were proved.Then put forward a specific improvement program in order to optimize the existing process and technical conditions,and to provide a high efficiency foundation for carbolic lead-zinc resources recovery.The results show that the carbonaceous minerals,such as aphanitic graphite,are of high content in the ore.It is easy to be mud in the grinding process,and has good floatability and adsorption performance.Because of the interaction between the carbonaceous minerals and lead-zinc minerals,the adsorbing quantity of collectors for the lead-zinc minerals in slurry system was less than that of collectors without carbonaceous minerals.The carbonaceous minerals,such as aphanitic graphite,finally entered the concentrates,affecting the recovery and quality of lead and zinc minerals.High-alkali speed flotation technology,has solved the concentration recovery of lead and zinc mineral.But the content of silicon and carbon in lead and zinc concentrates is high. So,it needs to search some appropriate inhibitors in the separation process,to strengthening inhibition of zinc-sulfide minerals.At the same time,it is necessary to appropriately optimize the parameters of grinding process,to reduce the degree of argillation of the carbonaceous and siliceous gangue minerals.In order to improve the grade and quality of lead and zinc concentrate,it is necessary to find suitable collectors and reduce the viscosity of flotation foam.Through put forward a specific improvement program in order to optimize the existing process and technical conditions,and to provide a high efficiency foundation for carbolic lead-zinc resources recovery.
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