收稿日期: 2018-01-15
修回日期: 2018-05-27
网络出版日期: 2019-03-19
Study on Post Peak Damage Evolution of Tailings Filling Body by Confining Pressure and Slurry Concentration
Received date: 2018-01-15
Revised date: 2018-05-27
Online published: 2019-03-19
杨世兴 , 付玉华 , 占飞 . 围压与料浆浓度对尾砂充填体峰后损伤演化研究[J]. 黄金科学技术, 2019 , 27(1) : 97 -104 . DOI: 10.11872/j.issn.1005-2518.2019.01.097
In recent years,with the increasing depth of underground mining and the increasing probability of accidents such as goaf collapse and surface subsidence,tailings filling has become one of the most popular methods of composite aggregate filling.It can not only effectively limit ground pressure activities,but also be beneficial to tailings treatment and environmental protection in mining areas.However,the damage and destruction of filling body also threatens the safe production of the mine.With the increasing of underground mining depth,the problem of ground pressure is becoming more and more obvious.By using the whole tailings of a mine and 32.5 type cement,the filling specimens with 100 mm
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