收稿日期: 2018-05-16
修回日期: 2018-08-15
网络出版日期: 2018-10-31
Discussion on Several Key Problems of the Tanlu Fault
Received date: 2018-05-16
Revised date: 2018-08-15
Online published: 2018-10-31
郯庐断裂是中国东部的一个巨型断裂,目前关于郯庐断裂的几个关键问题仍存在较大争议:一是郯庐断裂的长度;二是郯庐断裂的走滑距离和走滑深度;三是郯庐断裂的形成与活动时间;四是郯庐断裂与胶东金矿的关系。基于地质、地球物理和地球化学研究结果,结合近期郯庐断裂带区域高精度石油地震勘探资料和地质测年资料,通过大地构造演化史恢复说明,郯庐断裂的雏形出现在中生代的中央造山带东段,走滑开始于新生代初期,大规模平移走滑发生在45~24 Ma,并持续活动至今。郯庐断裂总体左行走滑量约为760 km,总长度约为3 000 km。对于胶东金矿,郯庐断裂主要是一个改造断裂。郯庐断裂带的形成和演化与中新生代欧亚板块东缘的构造环境变化密切相关。研究结果为中国东部大地构造动力演化及成矿过程研究提供了新思路。
梁光河 . 郯庐断裂带的几个关键问题探讨[J]. 黄金科学技术, 2018 , 26(5) : 543 -558 . DOI: 10.11872/j.issn.1005-2518.2018.05.543
Tanlu fault is a huge fault in eastern China.At present,there are still some key problems concerning the Tanlu fault.One is the length of Tanlu fault.The second is the horizontal slip distance and depth of the Tanlu fault.The third is the formation of Tanlu faults and its activity time.The fourth is whether it is the main controlling factor for the formation of the Jiaodong gold deposit.Based on a large number of geological,geophysical and geochemical results,combining the latest high-precision petroleum seismic exploration in Tanlu fault zone,the restoration of tectonic evolution shows that the rudimentary Tanlu fault occurred in the Mesozoic,mainly in the central orogenic belt of the southern section,and large-scale strike slips occurred in the Cenozoic (45~24 Ma).The horizontal slip distance of the Tanlu fault is about 760 km.Tanlu fault is mainly a reconstructed fault,not the main control structure of the Jiaodong gold deposit.The primary ore-controlling structure of the Jiaodong gold deposit is a central orogenic belt.The formation and evolution of the Tanlu fault is closely related to the formation of many Mesozoic and Cenozoic pull-apart basins in eastern China.This study will provide a new idea for the study of tectonic dynamic environment and mineralization process in eastern China.
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